Rosa Chá rouba a cena no SPFW

DO EGO: "Rodrigo Rothem, de apenas 20 anos, causou frisson na noite deste sábado, 21, na São Paulo Fashion Week. O modelo fez uma performance no desfile da Rosa Chá, em que tomou banho completamente nu . Foram apenas dois minutos, tempo suficiente para Rodrigo causar uma histeria coletiva entre as fashionistas na platéia. Uma gritaria que abalou as estruturas da Bienal. "Perdi o fôlego por alguns minutos", confessou a consultora de moda Costanza Pascolato, que estava sentada, claro, na primeira fila."
Um comentário:
Was the nude model part of the fashion show, or did he just improvise? That's kind of a crazy thing to do. I hope there weren't children in the audience.
See? Spanish and portuguese are not so different after all.
I hope everything's great with you!!
Take care!
By the way, have you heard of this site: ?
It's really interesting. It's an art project that began 3 years ago in which people mail in their secrets anonymously in one side of a postcard and then they're posted on this website. They have published 3 books of secrets from people from all over. They say that over 100,000 secrets have been mailed to the post secret creator. Some of them are really sad, others are really funny, and others kind of make you think about life. Check it out!
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