quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008

Quotidien Drink

:: Code of conduct leads Coca-Cola and Pepsi to the end of publicity directly to children.

It isn’t a recent concern of parents and the public about the power obesity among children and adolescents, increasingly common in several countries in the world.

However, it’s novelty the process of preventive shielding of large multinational companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, who promised changes to prevent any contribution to the deteriorating health of young people.

They’re worried with the integrity of the brand and the possibility of suffering processes of demonization, as with the tobacco companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are putting in place a new code of conduct. The new rules provide, among other gains, the end of direct advertising to children less than 12 years until the end of 2008.

According to sources the Ansalatina agency, the new ethical code can be made already this week in Geneva (Switzerland) during the annual meeting of the World Health Organization.

Some research, applied studies that add up to about 400 million people with excess weight, indicate that the young generation of today is likely to live less than a generation of parents and, hence, actions that objectivism more care children and youth's health are welcome and can improve the lives of children and adolescents.

Information from Ansalatina Agency

:: Código de conduta leva Coca-Cola e Pepsi ao fim da propaganda direta à crianças.

Não é recente a preocupação dos pais e do poder público quanto à obesidade entre as crianças e adolescentes, cada vez mais comum em diversos países do mundo.

No entanto, é uma novidade o processo de blindagem preventiva de grandes empresas multinacionais, como Coca-Cola e Pepsi, que prometeram mudanças para evitar alguma contribuição para a degradação da saúde dos jovens.

Preocupadas com a integridade da marca e com a possibilidade de sofrer processos de demonização, como acontece com as empresas de tabaco, a Coca-Cola e a Pepsi estão colocando em prática um novo código de conduta. As novas regras prevêem, entre outros ganhos, o fim da publicidade direta às crianças menores de 12 anos até o fim de 2008.

Segundo fontes da agência Ansalatina, o novo código ético poderá ser apresentado já nesta semana em Genebra (Suíça), durante a assembléia anual da Organização Mundial da Saúde.

Algumas pesquisas, que somam os estudos aplicados a cerca de 400 milhões de pessoas com excesso de peso, indicam que a geração de jovens de hoje corre o risco de viver menos que a geração dos pais e, por isso, ações que objetivem maiores cuidados com a saúde infanto-juvenil são bem-vindas e podem melhorar a qualidade de vida das crianças e dos adolescentes.

As informações são da Agência Ansalatina

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

That's really interesting. I heard once that sodas as coca cola and pepsi were particularly harmful to the liver, because of the way they carbonize the drink. It's really something that contributes to obesity. I'm interested in health, because I've been overweight myself. But I realized that money is something that contributes to obesity as well. Healthy food is really expensive. And fast food is practically everywhere and cheap. So, to me, the easier way to go was make my stomach get used to eating reduced portions of food a few times per day, plus good and fun exercises. But something to look at is that the responsability of obesity cannot fall completely on the shoulders of these big companies because most people know it's not healthy and still do it. But that's not an excuse. It's just that both sides are wrong.

About the novelas, I haven't really seen a lot because I'm Latina, so I understand them in Spanish. They do a really good translation. But I absolutely love them. I wish they would give us more brazilian novelas as opposed to the usual mexican novela.

I remember also enjoying: O Clone and Mulheres de Areia. And I absolutely looove Humberto Martins. He's a great actor, not to mention his attractiveness.

Hatshepsut disse...

Gostei da luta de latinhas!